måndag 6 september 2010

Break a leg

I was cleaning the boat just befor the show start.
Jumped from pontoon to boat with the fresh water hose, slided on the storage cover with left foot and sticked the right in the steering wheel. When I took it out there was an extra knee on the lower leg and a lot of pain. With help of a lot of friends, they got me back to pontoon and I was picked up by ambulance. I am now back home with a hurting leg and huge amounts of boxes with pills and a recovering lenght of 3 months.
OK, I admit Marith asked me severel times to take the boat a bit closer to pontoon and I just proofed she was right
and yes I will learn

onsdag 4 augusti 2010

X-Yachts cup Bastad Sweden

Fredric and I was i Bastad for the x-Yachts cup event and had a lot of fun .32 boats with nearly as many world champions and famous crews represented.
So we felt very lucky and happy to win our class.
I am so used to explain why we did not win, so this situation felt very unusual, but I think I can get used to it.

söndag 25 juli 2010

Sweden Yachts 45 batteries

Thank you for email,
On the mastervolt panel, you can choose between the 12V system or the 24V system to see how they are charged.
Batteries use to last 5-6 years and start battery even longerLocation of batteries are 2 big batteries on each side of table center and the start battery are just outside of the nav seat under the floorboards.
I hope you have a good summer and a lot of joy,

onsdag 21 juli 2010

Sweden Yachts

Sweden Yachts 36 from Norway,
It has been realy warm and sunny in Marstrand, but the harbour is full. So i just wonder how it looks in the nature harbours out in the arhipelago.

onsdag 14 juli 2010

Sweden Yachts 42

Nice Visit today from Norwegian Sweden Yachts 42

måndag 12 juli 2010

Sweden Yachts 38

Carisma visiting us in Marstrand.
We are trying to solve some electrical problem

lördag 10 juli 2010

match racing Marstrand

Match racing Cup Marstrand.
A lot of famous sailors competing here in Marstrand.
Ben Ainsle UK is in my opinion the new and most intresting sailor here in Match Racing game.
He has a simple strategy, Good start and sail faster than your competitor, briliant idea.